
About Course

Modern life now depends on online services. In the information age, we must have a deeper
understanding of cyber security threats. Explore the world of cybersecurity and learn how to p
rotect your data from attacks and vulnerabilities. Get the skills you need to become a
cybersecurity expert.

Course Content

Week 1
Cyber ​​Security Fundamentals

  • Information Security Fundamentals
  • Characters in Information Security
  • Cyber ​​Security Abbreviations
  • Cyber ​​Security Terms (Glossary)
  • Cryptography Fundamentals
  • Cryptography
  • Symmetric Encryption
  • Asymmetric Encryption
  • Differences in Asymmetric and Symmetric Encryption
  • Symmetric Encryption Key
  • Asymmetric Encryption Key
  • Hashing
  • Encoding

Week 2
Basic Linux

Week 3
Basic Windows

Week 4
Basic Network Information

Week 5
Understanding Tunneling and Netcat Structure

Week 6
Programming for Cyber ​​Security

Week 7
Local Network Penetration Tests

Week 8
Wireless Network Penetration Tests

Week 9
Web Application Penetration Tests

Week 10
Mobile Application Penetration Tests

Week 11
Social Engineering Tests

Week 12
Active Directory Penetration Tests

Week 13
Elevation Attacks on Windows Systems

Week 14
Elevation Attacks on Linux Systems

Week 15
Penetration Test Result Report Preparation

Week 16
Live Practice Applications

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