
About Course

At the end of this course, participants will have a basic knowledge of web programming and will
have the knowledge and experience to develop an end-to-end web project. They will be trained
in the version control system (GIT) and will master this application during the training. They will
be able to understand the functioning of web applications, develop their web applications and
make the queries they need on the database. In other words, by gaining full stack
competencies, including frontend and backend expertise, they will be ready to work in software
teams as Junior Full Stack Software Developers at the end of the training.

At this stage, participants will also gain knowledge in areas such as artificial intelligence, game development,
mobile application development, project management, analysis, cyber security, and testing as a
preliminary preparation for the vertical specialization choices they will make in

Stage 3. At this stage, in addition to technical courses, they will meet with field experts in mentoring sessions,
get to know the dynamics of the business world and gain the potential to take part in technology
projects and establish collaborations by benefiting from the experiences of successful business

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Course Content

Week 1
Introduction to ASP.NET Core MVC & ASP.NET Core MVC Project Structure

  • What is a Web Application?
  • HTTP Protocol and Working Principle
  • HTTP Response and Request
  • Why MVC?
  • Main Components of MVC Framework
  • Naming Conventions
  • General Architecture of ASP.NET Structure
  • ASP.NET and IIS Integration
  • ASP.NET Application Architecture
  • ASP.NET MVC Application Loop
  • MVC Framework Working Architecture
  • MVC Pipeline
  • “Hello World” Application with MVC

Week 2
Route and Controller Structure

Week 3
View Structure

Week 4
Area Structure

Week 5
Model Structure

Week 6
Form Applications

Week 7
JavaScript Applications

Week 8
State Structures

Week 9
Authentication and Authorization Structures

Week 10
Database Structure

Week 11
Creating a Project with Layered Architecture

Week 12
Web API Application

Week 13

Week 14
Middleware, Filter & Configuration Structure

Week 15
Error Handling, Log & Cache Structure

Week 16
File Structure & Publishing and Deployment Structures

Week 17

Week 18

Week 19

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