
# IT Experted Network #

When competent people come together with valuable knowledge and shared goals, the resulting power can change the world. The IT Experted Academy’s Network is an active community that brings together people, organizations, and data to develop advanced technologies to solve global problems.
IT Experted Network:
– Students and Alumni
– Mentors and Trainers
– Institutions and Organizations
IT Experted Software Academy graduates provide lifelong support to each other under the guidance of mentors, trainers, and institutions as a community of people who follow global trends, think strategically, and communicate with each other. They have a high software
knowledge and skills and produce solutions to global problems with advanced technology projects they will develop together. In addition to exchanging knowledge, services and competencies, IT Experted Network supports each other for a lifetime in terms of domestic and
international business opportunities. In this way, it works together to write your name in the solid and competent projects of the future

# Students and Alumni #

Throughout history, the most fundamental and vital bonds have been forged in schools. That is why graduates of good schools continue to join forces with the same understanding after school. For this reason, the word école, which symbolizes the unity of those who come from the
same sense, entered our language from the French word école, which means school.
Because IT Experted Software Academy is a unique school, you and all your friends will be equipped with different and evolving knowledge and perspectives. As a new generation of software developers raised in an expert school, our communication will last a lifetime. You will
have a team of alumni and students who follow current and future trends, set trends, speak the same language and communicate at all times. Lean back while working together, and you will have friends with whom you can constantly exchange ideas and information.

# Mentors and Trainers #

Many people want an education where a mentor and a schoolteacher can help them coordinate. However, they often need this opportunity at any stage of their education. The most effective time for such an opportunity is when you are maximizing your knowledge and skills, in other
words, when you can network with your instructors and mentors. In other words, your participation in IT Experted Academy is invaluable in finding a place for your next steps forward.
Therefore, with years of experience, you will have first-hand access to the experiences you can gain at the end of challenging paths through many different filters. IT Experted Academy trainers and mentors will be your guardian angel on your shoulder throughout your career.

# Institutions and Organizations#

One of the most potent aspects of IT Experted Network is the organizations within its network. Organizations open their cultures, technologies and human resources to IT Experted Network members; they provide all kinds of opportunities, from training to seminars, events to fieldwork.
Thanks to their solid and well-established structures, and financial and cultural power, you will have the chance to be in direct contact with these organizations and gain new perspectives.

# You can become a member by filling out the form now #